>=25% markup at DO6H-Q - JUST A SIG

  • 'Wk Volume' = average number of units that sell in the target region per week
  • 'Jita Price' = ((min sell + max buy) / 2) if both buys and sells exist, (min sell) otherwise
  • 'Import Price' = 'Jita Price' + (cost per m3 * item size)
  • 'Markup' = current percentage markup in DO6H-Q
  • '+20% Price' = 'Import Price' * 1.2
  • '+20% Profit' = 'Weekly Volume' * ('+20% Price' - 'Import Price')
You are currently using Jita Buy prices -- change to Jita Sell
Item NameWk VolumeJita PriceImport PriceDO6H-Q PriceMarkup+20% Price+20% Profit
Expired Basic Capsuleer Day XX Cerebral Accelerator
Expired Federation Damage Booster III
2 rows returned